"How do we rejoice in the face of so much sorrow?"
This is the question that was asked by the Rev Peter Cameron as he stood at the pulpit of the sleepy American town in Newtown, Connecticut. The name of the Sandy Hook Elementary School has become the latest American school that will be remembered not for the happy memories an elementary school should bring, but instead will be remembered as one of America's greatest tragedies and loss of the youth of America.
As Parents dropped their children off at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday morning, they as so many other parents across the world waved goodbye to their sons and their daughters. For some they got to see those children again but sadly for some parents it was the list time to see those children alive.
The quiet southern New England town was shattered as a lone gunman dressed in black descended on Sandy Hook Elementary, in what has been one of the greatest acts of violence in American history and an act so horrific that it has left the world questioning why such acts of violence take place.
"How do we rejoice in the face of so much Sorrow" words echoed from the Rev Peter Cameron, a man that no doubt as all American's have done so since the shooting, questioning his faith. We are led to believe in a greater power and one we seek solace from in times of great pain and anguish but it makes it so incredibly difficult to believe when the lives of 20 innocent children and 6 adults were wiped out in a sea of bullets in a place that is supposed to a safe haven.
We all have attended an institution of education where we believe we will be safe but I find it difficult to reaffirm the faith when such senseless acts of violence can occur. All of the children killed in the massacre - 12 girls and eight boys - were first-graders. These children had everything to live for, the first years of their education many of whom would have grown up to achieve greatness but sadly this was denied.
Some children were hit up to 11 times with bullets that sprayed the air as other cowered in terror, hid in closets, prayed for their lives. Their teachers acted as their parents would have by having that parental instinct to protect them just as their own parents would have done.
"Evil visited this community today," Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy said of Friday's massacre.
Indeed the darkest form of evil did visit the community and sadly it is exactly this evil which will become synonymous with Sandy Hook Elementary. Reading like everyone else the grief and raw emotion in the newspapers and TV reports truly brings a great sadness to me tonight as I write this. What is one of the most anticipated times of the year for children the arrival of Santa Clause and the excitement of Christmas, it's unspeakable to think that 20 families must now come to terms with preparing for 20 funerals of America's youngest school goers. They must lay to rest the future of America, a further six funeral of teachers who have been hailed hero's for giving up their own lives to try and save those of their students.Why the shooter decided his destiny was to become America's next mass shooter and taking the life of his own mother is a question that everyone awaits to know but sadly this answer will not bring back the lives of the innocent victims. No doubt there will be some underlying factor that was missed and the media will be put under scrutiny for the sensationalist effect of the need to report on such an issues and the public's want to know on such an issue.
A hero is somebody who, no matter what the odds, will fight to do what is right.
Children died victims, teachers died as hero's, the tragedy is that if America was willing to change the laws surrounding weapons then perhaps tragedies like this may be prevented. Of course all tragedy may not be prevented but it is the question echoing through America after this horrific act of violence.President Obama fought back tears as he addressed the nation,
"Our hearts are broken today."
"The majority of those who died today were children. Beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old," he said.
These tears the President fought back will soon see him face a battle to enforce stricter gun laws across America. It's time to take action to prevent another school from becoming a symbol of American heartbreak just as we remember Columbine High School and Virgina Tech.
Having attended Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, Boston, this too was a sleepy town and as I strolled through campus with another Irish classmate. We discussed what would happen if one of the shootings that have become so recognized with American education were to happen. It was a scary thought and to read the reports of how such innocent children died on Friday morning and the educators who tried to shield them, my only hope is that they did not suffer.
Having faith in times of great tragedy is one thing people cling too and that is some comfort but I really don't see how this acting of violence could have been part of the "bigger picture"
My deepest sympathies are with the families and victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School R.I.P.
It is know time for the American Government to enforce legislation that may help prevent a further U.S School shooting.
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