They say we have to learn from our mistakes in order to move on , but I have to wonder do we ever really move on or is the pain always there?
In a weekend that has seen The Irish Daily Star at the certain of a media storm over the publication of The Duchess of Cambridge's topless photos in what is a grave injustice to the privacy to the you royal couple.The morality of our decisions have to be questioned, a decision was made to publish the pictures as it was felt news worthy to the Republic of Ireland.
I don't think these pictures achieve any sense of news, it is mere tabloid trash. It is a sad aspect of journalism but one we see quite a lot. Poor taste and tactless decisions.
Facing a former love interest, flame, lover whatever you may like to call them is never easy. Situations of facing up to the past are never easy, especially if one has invested time and effort into as I see it
1. Establishing the friendship
2. Establishing the relationship
Sometimes one of the two do not work out and that is okay. It's life but I do think that each party involved is owed a proper response to why it's not working.It's called being a "grown-up".
The past weekend gone by faced with this challenge sadly did not listen to my advice. Walking out of the club and there it was the past staring me in the face. The first thoughts were to hide, duck into the crowd but then it happened, the first "Hello" that smile, the cheeky well look who it is!!!.
Sadly I think when it comes to affairs of the heart common sense really does go out the window. It certainly did for me this weekend as I melted and the first smile. Reflecting on what I now like to call " Chance encounter" makes me think that you have to face up to the pain of the past, if for nothing else to see do you make the same mistake twice.......
So it has taken me a little while to get back to reality and updating you all on my new beginnings......
The end of the summer in San Francisco was amazing, every last minute was immensely enjoyable and it was heart wrenching to leave the city I had come to love so much but it was a summer romance I knew my love affair with the city was always going to end.....
Until we meet again San Francisco <3
Life back in Ireland has been a whirlwind, everything from my graduation at The University of Limerick, yes I am know a college graduate, complete with my B.A in New Media & English. I must admit Graduation was such an amazing weekend, especially after spending the summer in America. It was such a great way to say goodbye to four amazing years at The university.
Looking around me at graduation, it was a very surreal experience to see people who I have only known for 4 years but yet consider my close friends like family. It made me realize the importance of friendship and the binds that it creates in our life. I wish all my fellow graduates and my friends the best that life has to offer and until the reunion, keep it real.
Of course when one door closes another must open, and so opened the door to a new chapter in my life and this has been my first 2 weeks as an MA Journalism student in NUIG. I must admit, starting over in a new University can be a little daunting and especially with a course such as Journalism but so far so good. I am loving the M.A program and know it is the right choice for me. The whole world of Media and Journalism just excites me more and more everyday.
Life as an MA sometimes makes me feel like a fresher back in UL, lost in a sea of unknown faces, but this is the real world and it is time to conquer NUIG just as I did with UL. Fresh starts = Fresh faces.
Loving the apartment and the change of scenery in Galway. Life is exciting right now
New Apartment means new TV :) :) Loving Revenge and my reruns of Brothers & Sisters
I promise to keep you all updated more frequently not that I am a budding journo
Until next time, keep reading